Any other business

Apparently the keyword that has brought the most visitors to my site is "toddler&quot. In these Michael Jackson obsessed times, I have to consider the sexual aspect of these searches, and frankly the idea of someone whacking one out over a twenty-two year old picture of me is hilarious.

Today I got the wrong bus back from work, probably something to do with my ridiculously high blood sugar levels. This bus delivered to me three more ill-advised Christmas houses, including the mother of them all. It has lights – still, flashing and animated. It has a Father Christmas on the roof. It has a Christmas tree. It has three enormous inflatables lit with spotlights. I expect on Christmas Day Donner and Blitzen will be flying in the sky above with laser beams on their antlers. Everyone on the bus looked at it as one might look as a UFO. It was astonishing.

Come to think of it, I think it might be legendary. Frog told me someone drove him to see a very similar house last year. Could they be one and the same?

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