Disruptions in Service

First I changed my webhost, now I’ve changed my blogging tool. I’ve swapped Blogger for WordPress. WordPress is the bomb. WordPress is the new Movable Type. It offers me a lot more control over how things are organised, and now I’ve got proper webspace and a proper website address, I may as well have a proper full-on, fully loaded blog.

That and Rev. Rehash will denounce me as a pussy if I don’t.

I’m currently moving all my old posts over. I’ll be jiggling around the layout for a little while too, so don’t be surprised if all looks odd next time you visit. It’s still debatable whether or not being able to categorise my posts will make me any more likely to write, but I like to think it will. Indulge me in this fantasy, please.

13 responses to “Disruptions in Service”

  1. Rehash says:


    Actually, it looks quite good. And now you don’t have both a “comment” AND “response” link with each post…very confusing and Microsoftian.

  2. Rehash says:

    Rather, the old system, with both “responses” and “comment” links, was very confusing and Microsoftian.

  3. kelvingreen says:

    It seems that Blogger decided to implement all the useful features I wanted from them in the first place after I’d set up the bloody thing. So now it’s a mess of code attempting (badly) to replicate what Blogger now does as standard. At some point, I should update and tidy up, but I really can’t be arsed.
    This, however, looks quite good. A bit squaresque, but I think I like it. Better looking than the previous incarnation, anyway.

  4. It’ll become a little more graceful as I learn exactly how to use Cascading Style Sheets to make things pretty. I might even stick in some more graphics, if I can be sure it won’t clog up people’s dialup connections.

    WordPress is very nice, but it’s a package of files you have to install on your webspace, and then there’s other set-up stuff to do as well. Far, far more complicated than signing up for Blogger, but worth it if you want the features and don’t mind paying for webspace.

    Glad you like the looks, K.

  5. Ros says:

    Lig, why are you now K?

    Also, can we have photies in the new, improved blog?

    Also, Kelvin, long time no see old man. Real chuffed about your wedding, even chufter you’re still happy.


    R xxx

  6. kelvingreen says:

    Gosh, hello Ros!
    We were just talking about you t’other day!

  7. R, I’m not now K. I was addressing K in the last sentence. I am still L.

  8. Ros says:

    Well I hope you were saying nice things! How’s Meg? How are you? Am I allowed to use Liam’s comments page for my personal gossip?

    R x

  9. Liam says:

    Ros, darling, you can use my comments pages for anything you want. Just leave everything tidy when you’ve finished and don’t eat the crayons.

  10. James Leahy says:

    So it’s “the bomb” is it Lig? Is that better that “Dynamite!”…?

    And do we have to address you as The Administrator in social situations aswell?

  11. Liam says:

    The Administrator, The Master, The Dude, His Dudeness, El Duderino are all fine by me…

    “The Bomb” is oddly enough not one of my homegrown sayings. It’s used in an ironic fashion all over t’internet, at least the bits of it I seem to read. But yes, WordPress is kinda dynamite too. Dy-na-mi-tee!

  12. meg says:

    Yes, Ros, we are always saying nice things about you :). and I’m well, thank you very much–hope you are also!!
    (hi liam =P)

  13. kelvin says:

    I used your comments page to wipe up my mess. I went tootoo. Sorry, Mister Adminstater.