The UPS Man Delivered My Baby!

I’ve decided to call her Madeleine. She weighs 12lbs, or less with her lens off.

I’ll post some pictures of her tomorrow.

9 responses to “The UPS Man Delivered My Baby!”

  1. David Creighton says:

    Actually, it’s spelled Madeleine (after the biscuit) I believe.

  2. Liam says:

    Quite correct.

  3. kelvingreen says:

    Your baby has a detachable lens and is named after a biscuit?

    What has happened to you in California?

  4. Gidget says:

    Is this the closest we will become to being grandparents? Well dont expect us to baby sit for Madeline; we’d be too nervous.

  5. Courtney says:

    Haha! Yes, it probably is. But don’t worry, as of yesterday Madeleine is fully insured so dropping her on her head won’t incur any long term damage.

  6. Ros says:

    Call me puerile, but surely I’m not the only one who thinks ‘she’ looks more like a boy?

    And presumably, it’s detachable. Fabulous!

    R xxx

  7. Liam says:

    Ah, but considering how physically intimate I get with her while shooting, I’d say Madeleine is definitely a she. I don’t think I’d feel comfortable putting my hands all over a boy camera.

  8. kelvingreen says:

    Latent poofter tendencies?
    I mean, you *do* dress very well for a bloke…

  9. kilburina says:

    I know someone called Madeleine…not sure how much she weighs with her lens cap off, though!