Drained (in a good way)

Today I edited video for about ten hours, and painted for a further hour or so. Consequently I’m too tired to blog anything particularly worthwhile, other than to note that I’m excited about both projects, and that it feels good to be so busy working creatively. I do, however, have the mental juice left to point everyone at the latest Doonesbury cartoon. I must confess it took me a long time to actually get into Doonesbury as so much of it is about US politics, but it’s generally perceptive and clear-headed.

The painting, if you’re wondering, isn’t freehand stuff and it’s not really pointillism, although I’m painting lots of dots. It will all become clearer when I finish the piece and post pictures on the blog. I think it’ll look pretty decent. It’s about all sorts of things, but quite a large chunk is about how our lives are becoming a convergence of the physical and the digital.

9 responses to “Drained (in a good way)”

  1. James Leahy says:

    Sounds interesting! When do get a look at your “renderings”?

  2. Liam says:

    My renderings are done. Unfortunately I was in a rush to get them down to the coffee shop (I also had a meeting there) and so I forgot to take snaps for the blog. I’ll try to get some tomorrow or Thursday.

    It turned out quite nicely, and I plan to make more (using a slightly different technique) when I’ve taken suitable shots. It was quite odd to hang a canvas knowing that it was all my work. I got some positive feedback straight away, which was heartening.

  3. kelvingreen says:

    You paint now?

    Obsolesence beckons.

  4. Liam says:

    Well, obscurity has already been achieved. I worked very hard to become obscure. It was difficult. Obsolesence was something that was on my mind when I painted a digitally created image onto a canvas, and I will be working hard to ensure that everything I do is obsolescent. I think that Father Time will be more than willing to help out.

    Are all forms of painting obsolete?

  5. kelvingreen says:

    I was thinking more of myself. I thought *I* was the artist among our circle of friends. Now you’ve shunted me aside in a microsoftey manner. Couldn’t you stick to film-making and occasional nudity?

  6. Courtney says:

    What do you mean occasional? ;-)

  7. kelvingreen says:

    Bloody liberal Californians…

  8. Liam says:

    K, you’re still the king of the pencil. I can take a fairly nice image with a camera, but I can’t do freehand drawing to save my life.