
Painting of Katrina on the wall of Mishka's, Tuesday 14th March 2006

As promised, here’s a photo of my first painting. Click on it for a bigger view. I made this piece in response to the cafe manager, Alli, declaring that the only art on display in the cafe during the month of March would be created by the staff. As I couldn’t rig up a projector or a plasma screen I couldn’t contribute a piece of video art, so I had to think of another way of getting at least one image onto the wall.

Painting of Katrina in context with other Mishka's employees artwork, Tuesday 14th March 2006

My piece was just one among many created by my comrades in Mishka’s.

Stage one in the creation of the image of Katrina.

Stage One:
> The original image was shot on a Canon XL2 digital video camera in 16:9 aspect ratio.
> This footage was captured onto computer.
> A single frame was chosen from the footage and converted into a still image.

Stage two in the creation of the image of Katrina

Stage Two:
> The still image was fed through a process called “rasterbation.”
> This rasterbated image was printed onto a sheet of transparent plastic.
> The transparency was projected onto canvas and painted.

13 responses to “Dots”

  1. James says:

    I had a go at rasterbation last year but I used an image of Jessica Alba as Nancy Callahan in Sin City. Trouble is that I was too ambitious and the resulting picture is now too large to put anywhere other than a huge gallery space! This is a shame as it would look soo good.

  2. kelvingreen says:

    I feel you’ve left out an important part of the process; the “painting” bit. I’m not entirely clear on how you put the image onto canvas. You’re not printing directly, as I’m told is more common in rasterbation, so what do you mean by “transparency was projected”? Did you sit in front of an OHP with a brush in hand?

  3. Liam says:

    Yes. It took bloody ages.

  4. kelvingreen says:

    I’m not sure it counts as rasterbation then. Perhaps rasterochism.

  5. Liam says:

    Next time I do one I’m going to look at silkscreening. I’ll be able to make more than one then, and vary the colours. But first and foremost I need to make sure I take good pictures to process.

    I should have noted above that the girl in the picture is my friend Katrina, who works with me in the cafe. She’s moving to Calgary soon, and we’ll all miss her, so I decided to make her the subject of my piece.

  6. Gidget says:


  7. Ros says:

    Liam, I’m sure in your pre-Courtney days you heard this a lot (she’s probably bored of saying it by now): your’s may well be just one among many, but it’s definately the biggest!

    R xxxx

  8. James Leahy says:

    So basically, you’re a tracer…? :)

  9. Tom says:

    I feel like I just have to respond:

    “Your mother’s a tracer!”

  10. maz the librarian says:

    I work in an art library, but I still think rasterbation sounds like a top shelf book ;)
