Weasel Under the Cocktail Cabinet?

I’m looking forward to Dominik Moll’s new movie, Lemming. The American trailer isn’t ready yet, so here’s the French one. It looks sexy, creepy and absurd all at once.

Philip French, of the Observer, made it his movie of the week. I hope we get it at my place of employment.

13 responses to “Weasel Under the Cocktail Cabinet?”

  1. James Leahy says:

    Have you guys had “Innocence” yet? I really want to catch it as it also looks creepy and absurd…

  2. Maz the Librarian says:

    like 40 year old virgin? Lig, u want to send a copy of the Varsity Story to blighty – we’ve just had a plasma screen set up and are badgering publishers to let us show their art films.

  3. Liam says:

    James, I don’t think Innocence has been released yet.

    Maz, I wouldn’t say the Varsity doc is “art” but I’ll probably send a copy. I’ll need a postal address, though.

  4. Maz the Librarian says:

    Cheers hon. I’ll need one for you too so I can send a cheque for it. Library address is Marianne McGowan, Main Library, Hastings College of Arts and Technology, Archery Road, St Leonards on Sea, East Sussex, TN38 0HX. Dave has my e-mail address and I can give you my home address over e-mail if you want it.

    We just got a cool DVD in ‘the magical world of Joseph Cornell’ which we’re showing atm. It has a dvd with nine of his short films and a cdrom where you can explore some of his boxes.

    Dave, what’s the verdict on next weekend? James, what u up to now?

  5. James says:

    Hi Maz! Click on my name and have a butcher’s. Hopefully see you soon x

  6. maz the librarian says:

    Ok hon, will do. These thingumies are cool :)

  7. maz the librarian says:

    also, lig I’m getting chilly vibes. is everything ok, or do I suck now?

  8. maz the librarian says:

    last thing, I promise – i found a story you wrote a million years ago while I was sorting out some old documents. shout if you want me to copy it to you.

  9. Liam says:

    Of course you don’t suck, Maz! I’m just not often home and conscious at the same time right now. It’s been a hectic weekend of work and my next day off is Thursday.

  10. Paul says:

    Innocence Is out James. Certainly on dvd in Britain. Gonna rent it from my local library that has a great world cinema section. Try (rough spelling) Weirkmeister Harmonies (harmonies is definitely part of title) – weird Hungarian film, very odd, stuck in my head. Comes as part of a two-film set (other one’s nasty).

  11. maz the librarian says:

    cool :) doing anything fun on your day off? we spent the weekend building a giant home for the stick insects since they’re fully grown now.

  12. James Leahy says:

    I’ll keep an eye out for it!

  13. John says:

    Your site shows 12 comments on “weasel under cocktail cabinet” but I cannot read any of them. What was that all about?