Kiss it Better

Recent Japanese research suggests that kissing lessens the production of histamines, hence alleviating hayfever. I’m not joking.

Sadly the article doesn’t explain how you convince your partner to indulge you in a 30 minute kissing session when you’re dribbling goo from four of the openings on your face.

2 responses to “Kiss it Better”

  1. Paul Gray says:

    Excellent. All I need is a partner!
    My entire youth was spent indoors during summer holidays (TWO full months in Northern Ireland) because of hayfever. Lying on my bed, looking out of my skylight at blue skies, chasing thoughts in circles.
    I reckon that’s one of the reasons I’m a writer Liam, lots of concentrated time just spent thinking.
    I’m positive the reason kissing helps alleviate symptoms is the same as a study I heard when I was twelve – that introverted people suffer from it more than extroverted. Leaving aside the possibility hayfever causes introversion (see above isolation), it seems obvious that happiness helps your immune system cope (endorphins etc). So kissing is good. Sex is probably better (“goo from four of the openings on your face” being helpful, in certain ways).
    June is my can’t-breathe-can’t-see-wakeupanduseinhaler month. Even with tablets. Though Kent, garden-of-england, doesn’t help. Gentically engineered rape-seed and all.

  2. maz the librarian says:

    Take as a preventative measure. Snog all year round as often as possible in order to ward off the haeschnuppfles. Also Potters anti allergy herbal capsules are good, but not as gratifying.