Lines in the Sand


A dreamlike drama about sexual awkwardness.

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Isabella is crashing on Dan’s sofa. She has a photo shoot looming at the end of the week.

The shoot creeps closer. The tension in the flat mounts, and it’s not just Isabella’s nerves about her big break. Although they knew each other as kids, their chemistry as adults is odd. Isabella notices his discomfort and starts digging to unearth unfinished business from ten years earlier.

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Kickstarter Backers
These people made 100 seconds of the film possible:
John & Gidget Hopf

These people made 50 seconds of the film possible:
Duncan Graham

These people made 25 seconds of the film possible:
David & Leonie Creighton
Caitlin Graham

These people made 10 seconds of the film possible:
Gareth Wyn Jones
Emma Coats
Paul Gray
Sheldon Meyers
Beth Manghi
Kelvin Green
Jennifer Halpin

These people made 5 seconds of the film possible:
Roberto C. Delgadillo
Claire Usher
Don Usher
Nicola Sersale
Kate Foulkes
James Leahy
Maggie Hopf
Todd Brock
Casey Dokoupil

These people made 2.5 seconds of the film possible:
Julialicia Case
Jane McCluskey
Vanessa Rapatz
D.J. Skinny
James Watson
Julie Cross
Weiner J Smith
Alasdair Beckett-King
Mary E Richards
Anthony Paul
Misha Hebel
Brooke Jonhson
Nathan Milos

These people made 1 second of the film possible:
LeAnn Stevens Larré
Adam Towsley
Mindi McMann
Autumn Labbé-Renault
Stephanie Carwin
Fateme Ahmadi
Valerie Barron
Connla Lyons
Ryan Fong

These people made half a second of the film possible:
Maura Grady
Rolf Luik
David Fisher
Chris McMillan
Tiago Morelli
Tiffany and Ben Crawford