Email of the Week 4th – 10th April

In a craven attempt to get people to send me more splendidly written email – and so I have more material to fill the blog on slow days – I have decided to blog the wittiest, coolest, funniest sentence/paragraph/section of email I get each week.

This week’s comes from my mate Neil:

Cancelled my psychotherapy session due to cranial fibrillations elicited by last night’s assimilation of a quantity of alcohol toxic to all but the resolutely anaerobic respirers of the amoebic realm. Thus, have time to write sentences so long and ostentatiously verbose as to provoke a green line from my spelling and grammar checker. Currently sweating neat scotch into my dressing gown having only relatively recently attempted verticality.

Friends, readers, you are all fodder.

8 responses to “Email of the Week 4th – 10th April”

  1. Avatar says:

    With that very impressive level of alcohol tolerance, Neil should be put in a test tube and studied.

  2. Liam says:

    I’ve heard tell his urine is 50% proof and doesn’t freeze. He also breathes fire. He is a remarkable lad.

  3. kelvingreen says:

    Hmm… very typically Neil. Wuld you believe that he was just like that in primary school too?

  4. Liam says:

    Hehe. I think you’re up next week, Green.

  5. kelvingreen says:

    Oh dear Christ, what embarrassing garbage have I spouted at you?
    There’s something very Jeremy Beadle about this latest project, you know.

  6. Liam says:

    If that’s the general feeling then I’ll stop doing it and write it off as a half-baked idea.

    I asked Neil if he was cool with me popping some of his last email on the blog, and he said yes. It’s not without his knowledge.

    However, I had second thoughts about it, and then third thoughts, and then, annoyed with my vacillations, I did it.

    OK, so, I invite people to decide whether this is a good idea. Yes or no, please. Any maybe reasons, if you wish to give them.

  7. Ros says:

    Yes, so long as it is never me and frequently people I know.

    Also, does anyone out there understand PhD funding in the UK? (Any comments about not being able to understand the literature relating to funding equating to not being able to do the PhD will make me cry).

    R xxx

  8. kelvingreen says:

    Oh I don’t have any objections to the project. It’s just that the recycled/sampled aspect of it put me in mind of Jeremy Beadle, for some reason.

    Go ahead, continue. I think it’ll be big fun. But not Big Fun. And you have my permission to use anything I’ve sent you.

    Except our “special” conversations. Those are between us. And the penguin.