
Silent Library has to be the greatest exploitative TV game show of all time. Any show with a round entitled "Old Man Bites Tenderly" ranks right up with Vic and Bob in the pantheon of TV surrealism. Click and watch!

5 responses to “Shh…”

  1. James Leahy says:

    Reminds me of silent study time in the school library except less painful. Beats sitting around grilling beards…

  2. David M. says:

    Hi there, this has nothing to do with the above posting. I’m wondering about the title of your website here: do you happen to have a copy of the Marker short film? If so, I have lots and lots of ultra-rare Marker stuff, and I’d love to set up a trade.

    Sorry if this is sort of random!

  3. Neil says:

    Old Man Bites Tenderly sounds like one of those urban-myth ‘chinese translations’ of Western household products – you know, like Slap the Wax Tadpole or Esteemed Nutmeg.

  4. Do you think there are many actual librarians out there now who are rocking to and fro gently with a pair of pants on their head and pencils up their nose after the trauma of tuning in to what is apparently not a program about people going shhh!

  5. Liam says:

    I’m guessing that’s not quite the kind of thing that happens in your library, Maz.