Last night at the Varsity we showed Michael Winterbottom’s movie, The Road to Guantánamo, in conjunction with a local human rights group. The day before the screening one of the members of the group received a threatening phone call. Here is a transcript of that call:
Yeah, you commie socialist pig. Let me tell you something. I’m going to tell you something right now. You ought to take it right to the end. You’re putting up with these socialist people in Guantanamo Bay. I’m going to kill every one of you.
We informed the police and they sent a couple of officers to oversee the event. Needless to say, no-one died as a result of this rambling incoherence. I wonder what that loser did last night instead of massacring a bunch of Amnesty International members? Maybe he spent the night drinking everclear and pulling wings off flies. Pinko flies, darnit.
Eep! As you say, the overwhelming chances are that it was just some harmless loser, but still, it must’ve been a bit of a shock. Was the screening itself a success? How are you doing, anyway?
The problem with you, Liam, is that you Hate Freedom.
Glad to see your back!! I miss not seeing your postings!!
Back in the day of Liverpool and my first Ever bookshop job, we got loads of bomb+death threats about stocking the Mary Bell book (10 year old girl who killed 2 boys). But a scouser will happily threaten to kill you for the least thing as I remember, especially if his drink is involved, or ‘his bird’. Ah Halcyon days!
RTG is a really solid little film. It was screened over here on C4 earlier this year in conjunction with the actual subjuects of the film giving a press conference about their experiences. The other one I want to see is “In This World”. Don’t suppose you’ve had the chance to see “Code 46”, yet?
My concern is that there’s an unmedicated, very mentally ill person out there who should probably be in a hospital. Maybe he spent the night in a psychotic hell that you cannot even begin to imagine. Other than the necessity for security, there’s really not any reason to give this expression of pathology any attention. If you figure out who the guy is, maybe you could have the cops hospitalize him.
Possibly, PJ, but it was more likely an attempt to stir things up. If it was someone who needs medication, I hope he gets some soon.