More Shooting

This weekend was another orgy of video shooting. First off, most of Friday was spent preparing to shoot, and then shooting a Critical Mass of zombies and pirates. More will become apparent when it’s edited.

Saturday and Sunday were spent on a levee in Sacramento shooting a barbaric pinata massacre for my friend Stephanie. I’m quite pleased with how the footage looked when we played it back in the evenings. There was a distinct Tarantino-esque cruelty to a couple of shots.

4 responses to “More Shooting”

  1. Mr. Pixel says:

    post a screen grab or two!

  2. kelvingreen says:

    Zombies? Pirates? Excellent!

  3. Courtney says:

    Yeah, and one fuzzy bear costume and a bloodied zombie Jesus.

  4. kelvingreen says:

    Oooh… pretty…