My next job: motocrotte rider

A motocrotte somewhere on the streets of France.

If all else fails, I’m sure I can get a job riding one of these. In France, the job security of a motocrotte rider must rival that of the undertaker. It is an ordinary motorcycle or motorscooter, with an oversized vacuum cleaner mounted on the pillion. The rider sweeps through the streets of the city, and when he sees a crotte s/he sucks it up the pipes. But what is a crotte, you ask? A crotte is a form of shoe decoration left on the street by inconsiderate dog owners.

2 responses to “My next job: motocrotte rider”

  1. Paul Gray says:

    It’s like a cross between Chips, the old American kids show about cops on bikes (I wanted to be Eric Estrada SO badly), and a British farce about Mobile Poop-Scoopers! Oh the ignominy!

  2. […] others.  I’ve had a few traveling experiences myself.  Paris was so bad it even had its poopbikes for a while but that didn’t work and they were removed ages ago. In Geneva, when I saw a […]